The Experience of Bathing Your Pet- By: Damian Cross

Description : For most ordinary people a home is not a home without a pet to complement it. Whether you decide to keep a dog or a cat a home, proper grooming is imperative. Regardless of the breed or size of your pet, at some point in time he will need to be taken care off. Pet owners will also be faced with the decision of spending a few dollars towards a professional pet groomer, or take on the challenge upon themselves.

In the event that your house pet is a feline, many pet owners feel it unnecessary to bathe him at all. Although this is most true, the final say will depend on the surroundings and the activities in which your cat gets involved in, plus the breed of cat and whether he is long or short haired. Some brand cat litter sand can hold smell better than others. The smell emanating from the litter box will often permeate over to the cat’s fur. When this happens, the pet owner will have to refresh the litter box with fresh sand and groom the animal for bad odors. For best results, pour some baking soda over lukewarm water in the tub or sink, and let it dissolve for a little while. Then proceed to soak the cat’s paws into the water in order to remove debris from the litter box, but most of all undesirable odors. Be patient and very careful when soaking a cat in water. Generally, cats are not fond of water and you might get some unexpected reactions.

If possible, get some help when grooming a cat with water, just in case you get any unexpected reactions. Even though your pet cat may pose some opposition, the process should quickly be over and done with, and you should be on your way playing pet games with your cat in no time. On the other hand, if the pet cat has become in contact with other, more difficult to remove substances such as tree sap, syrup, or grease, a full bath will be in order with a mild shampoo. If you have little or no experience bathing a cat, consider the expense of a professional groomer or veterinarian. Bathing a cat is no pet game; he will react violently and attack you in order to avoid the whole ordeal.

Pet dogs will also require bathing, in a more regular basis than your regular house cat. You will find that dogs do not repel water as much as cats do, and in some cases they will actually look forward to it as some form of pet game. Choose a mild shampoo especially made for dogs, which takes it easy on their skin. Some brands have especial attributes to them, such as repelling fleas, ticks or ear mites.

The animal must be soaked with fresh water several times, as it is very important to remove all the remaining shampoo from the dog’s coat. At this point, long haired animals might draw some benefit from the use of a conditioner. The use of this product will yield better results, by allowing for softer and more manageable hair.

In either case, be it a cat or a dog, constant brushing of the hair is absolutely mandatory for a proper grooming experience. Brushing the coat will extend the amount of time in between baths and provide your pet will a healthier, better looking coat. Remember to make it fun, grooming need not be gruesome and tiresome, but pet games which you enjoy with your pet. If you find yourself avoiding the grooming activity, consider consulting your veterinarian for guidance and perhaps a reference for a reputable pet groomer.

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